Keep Your Website Up & Running

A web content management system (WCM or WCMS) is a CMS designed to support the management of the content of Web pages. Most popular CMSs are also WCMSs. Web content includes text and embedded graphics, photos, video, audio, maps, and code (e.g., for applications) that displays content or interacts with the user.

Website Maintenance Includes:

- Testing after every edit
- Full Backup copy of your website
- Monthly, detailed invoicing
- Communication by e-mail, 5 days a week
- Friendly, personal service!
- Product changes and additions
- Updates to calendar or events
- Add breaking news or upcoming events
- Add photos, graphics, graphs and charts
- Text re-writes and improvements
- Site facelifts and makeovers
- Keeping the homepage fresh for return customers
- Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)

Website Maintenance